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Dec 15, 2021
Identity Security: A Top Priority for the Modern Enterprise

Accelerated digital transformation has led to an explosion of digital identities, which means any user can have some level of privileged access at some time. Cyber attackers are targeting this rapidly expanding attack surface. This means identity security, has never been more important or challenging.

Webinar Recording
Jun 19, 2020
The Future of Privileged Access Management and Reducing Risk for Modern Digital Enterprises

While Privileged Access Management (PAM) must still fulfill its core function of protecting privileged accounts, the next generation of PAM solutions can do so much more for your organization. As organizations embrace cloud, hybrid-IT, DevOps, remote working, digital workplaces, RPA and other transformational technologies the role of PAM has changed to secure these trends at zero point. Privileged accounts are no longer the domain of administrators or super users but for users right across the organization – including non-human entities such as applications and machines.

Webinar Recording
Mar 24, 2017
Personal data breach and the GDPR – Prevention, Detection and Notification

The general data protection regulation (GDPR) as issued by the European Union will be a major challenge for literally any organisation doing business in Europe. All systems dealing with data subject to data protection legislation (i.e. PII = personally identifiable information) will need to be compliant to the requirements of this regulation. And, quite logically, IT systems will in turn be key enablers for many organisations to achieve compliance to this new set of requirements.

Webinar Recording
Nov 18, 2016
Sicherheit in den operativen Systemen der Industrie 4.0

Unter dem Begriff Operational Technology werden die Technologien zusammengefasst, die die Transformation von Waren und Dienstleistungen betreffen, etwa in produzierenden Unternehmen oder bei Energieversorgern (ICS: Industrial Control Systems & SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).

Mit der Entwicklung zur Industrie 4.0 wird die Grenze zwischen klassischer IT (Informationstechnologie) und Operational Technology zunehmend durchlässiger. Während dies einerseits die Effizenz und die Agilität bei der Administration erhöht, führt diese IT/OT-Konvergenz zu einer rapide anwachsenden Gefährdung kritischer Systeme. Waren diese bislang physikalisch und/oder logisch isoliert und konnten durch Zugangskontrolle vermeintlich angemessen geschützt werden, sind diese vom Unternehmensnetzwerk oder aus dem Internet erreich- und kontrollierbar. Gleichzeitig benötigt praktisch jeder Nutzer in OT-Umgebungen heute privilegierte Zugangsrechte, da diese Nutzer ja steuernd und damit administrativ in sicherheitsrelevante Prozesse eingreifen müssen.

Event Recording
May 22, 2016
John Worrall - The Most Travelled Attack Route: Securing the Privileged Pathway

Privileged accounts have been at the center of each recent high-profile attack. This session will explain how hackers that successfully exploit these accounts are able to gain a privileged foothold, allowing them unfettered access to elevate privileges and move about the network freely without detection.

Webinar Recording
Mar 15, 2016
Whitelisting und darüber hinaus

KuppingerCole Webinar recording

Webinar Recording
May 19, 2015
Bedrohungen für privilegierte Zugänge erkennen und abwenden
Mit den jüngsten Sicherheitsvorfällen rücken Systemadministratoren und privilegierte Zugangsdaten weiter in das Zentrum des Interesses. Die nicht abreißenden Schlagzeilen über Fälle von Datendiebstahl bei Unternehmen und Behörden zeigen, dass es sich nicht um Einzelfälle handelt, sondern um ein Problem, dem sich alle Unternehmen stellen müssen.
Event Recording
May 15, 2015
Yariv Lenchner - Securing Privileged Identities in OT (Operational Technology) and Industrial Control Systems

In the last years we see that privileged accounts in Operational Technology (OT) environments (e.g. critical infrastructure) have an even higher importance and criticality than in the traditional IT. OT networks and the Internet of Things (IoT) implementations are taking shape and are being connected to enterprise networks and to the internet. This brings many business advantages but also opens these once isolated technologies to advance threats. Securing these privileged account and their privileged sessions are a critical security practice for enterprises and critical infrastructure operators.

Webinar Recording
Mar 25, 2014
Mitigate Targeted Attacks with Privileged Account Analytics

KuppingerCole Webinar recording

Webinar Recording
Feb 02, 2012
Back to the ROOTs

KuppingerCole Webinar recording

Webinar Recording
Dec 02, 2010
Privileged Cloud Identity Management
Kuppinger Cole Webinar recording
Webinar Recording
Mar 20, 2009
Wer war Root? Was Sie über Privileged Account Management (PAM) wissen sollten
Kuppinger Cole Webinar recording