

KuppingerCole’s Whitepaper is a report written by one of KC’s analysts that informs readers about a specific, usually complex issue. A whitepaper is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.
Ein schlanker Ansatz für Identity & Access Governance
Ein schlanker Ansatz für Identity & Access Governance
Identity & Access Governance ist ein Muss für jedes Unternehmen. Leider ist die Art und Weise, wie es heute gehandhabt wird, ineffizient und schwerfällig. Es ist an der Zeit, die Ansätze zu...
A Lean Approach on Identity & Access Governance
A Lean Approach on Identity & Access Governance
Identity & Access Governance is a must for every business. Unfortunately, the way it is commonly done today is inefficient and cumbersome. It is latest time to review the approaches on Identity &...
Why Modern Enterprise IAM Must Be Rearchitected: Build Your Case for Containerized IAM and IDaaS
Why Modern Enterprise IAM Must Be Rearchitected: Build Your Case for Containerized IAM and IDaaS
IT paradigms are under change. Containerized solutions, building on Microservice Architectures and exposing well-defined sets of APIs, are rapidly becoming the new normal. Such architectures...
Oracle Identity Cloud Service: Identity for Business Applications in the Hybrid IT
Oracle Identity Cloud Service: Identity for Business Applications in the Hybrid IT
Today, most businesses are using hybrid IT, with a mix on-premises and cloud applications and services. And hybrid IT is here to stay, given that many of the legacy applications are hard and costly...
KRITIS - Kritische Infrastrukturen verstehen und schützen
KRITIS - Kritische Infrastrukturen verstehen und schützen
Organisationen oder Institutionen, die für die Öffentlichkeit wichtig sind, werden als Kritische Infrastrukturen (KRITIS = "Kritische Infrastrukturen") bezeichnet. Als solche unterliegen sie...
KRITIS – Understanding and Protecting Critical Infrastructure
KRITIS – Understanding and Protecting Critical Infrastructure
Organizations or institutions that are essential for the public are called Critical Infrastructure (KRITIS = “Kritische Infrastrukturen”). As such, they are subject to comprehensive and strict...
Identitäten richtig handhaben - damit Ihre digitale Geschäftsstrategie erfolgreich wird.
Identitäten richtig handhaben - damit Ihre digitale Geschäftsstrategie erfolgreich wird.
Registrierung und Authentifizierung sind die ersten Schritte, die erfolgen, wenn ein Nutzer Kunde digitaler Dienstleistungen werden möchte. Funktionieren diese Schritte nicht wie vom Nutzer...
Privileged Access Governance
Privileged Access Governance
Privileged Access Governance or PAG is fast becoming a crucial discipline of Privileged Access Management (PAM) to help organizations gain required visibility into the state of privileged access...
Do Identity Right - So Your Digital Business Strategy Succeeds
Do Identity Right - So Your Digital Business Strategy Succeeds
Registration and authentication are the first things that happen when someone becomes a user of digital business services. If these steps don’t work as the user wants, the acceptance of such...
IAM for Healthcare: It’s time to act
IAM for Healthcare: It’s time to act
Healthcare organizations deal with highly sensitive information. They face challenges in complying with ever-tightening regulations, combating ever-increasing cyber risks, and adapting to Digital...
ForgeRock Identity Platform for PSD2 & API Security
ForgeRock Identity Platform for PSD2 & API Security
The Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2) promises to make the European Union (EU) cross-border transactions further transparent, faster and more secure while increasing competition and choice...
Radiant Logic and the Identity Integration Imperative
Radiant Logic and the Identity Integration Imperative
Digital transformation and the need for business agility are creating an explosion in the volume, variety and velocity of identity data that enterprises have to manage efficiently. And now...
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