

KuppingerCole’s Whitepaper is a report written by one of KC’s analysts that informs readers about a specific, usually complex issue. A whitepaper is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.
Securing Non-Human Identities
Securing Non-Human Identities
This KuppingerCole Whitepaper looks at issues IT managers and security strategists face trying to manage identity and access in complex multi-cloud IT infrastructures. It focuses on the challenges...
IAM for Healthcare: It’s time to act
IAM for Healthcare: It’s time to act
Healthcare organizations deal with highly sensitive information. They face challenges in complying with ever-tightening regulations, combating ever-increasing cyber risks, and adapting to Digital...
Die Automatisierung des SOC
Die Automatisierung des SOC
SOAR, Security Orchestration, Automation and Response, ist das jüngste in einer Reihe von mit Security verbundenen Modewörtern, die sich auf dem Markt verbreiten. Obwohl SOAR erst in den letzten...
Zoom Unified Communications Platform Security and Compliance
Zoom Unified Communications Platform Security and Compliance
Zoom offers a cloud-based unified communications platform (UCaaS) featuring video communications. UCaaS delivers many benefits including flexibility, performance, and price. Organizations should...
Next-Generation Enterprise Security Delivered from the Cloud: Addressing Modern Cyber Threats with Cisco Umbrella
Next-Generation Enterprise Security Delivered from the Cloud: Addressing Modern Cyber Threats with Cisco Umbrella
As businesses embrace the Digital Transformation and become increasingly cloud-native, mobile and interconnected, the corporate network perimeter is gradually disappearing, exposing users to...
Automating the SOC
Automating the SOC
SOAR, Security Orchestration, Automation and Response, is the latest in a line of security buzzwords to hit the market; and while SOAR may have only emerged in the last few years, it is fast...
Wertvolle Daten kennen, schützen und besser nutzen – die Chancen von Datenschutz und Datensicherheit
Wertvolle Daten kennen, schützen und besser nutzen – die Chancen von Datenschutz und Datensicherheit
Neue Regulierungen wie die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) und die stetig wachsende Gefahr durch Cyber-Attacken führen zu einem hohen Druck auf Unternehmen. Es gibt aber auch Chancen, wenn man...
Vorsprung vor den Cyberkriminellen: Die externen Bedrohungen verstehen
Vorsprung vor den Cyberkriminellen: Die externen Bedrohungen verstehen
Verantwortliche für Cybersicherheit sehen sich mit wachsenden Herausforderungen konfrontiert, da die Cyberkriminellen immer kreativer werden und mit einem anscheinend unendlichen Arsenal an...
Why Your Organization Needs Data-centric Security
Why Your Organization Needs Data-centric Security
Data-centric security is an alternative approach towards information protection that has emerged as a direct response to the increasingly obvious failure of traditional measures focusing on...
Customer authentication with zero-friction passwordless authentication
Customer authentication with zero-friction passwordless authentication
To increase security and convenience, businesses and organizations need to adopt and implement a modern authentication system that does not rely on customers remembering usernames and passwords....
Getting Ahead of the Cybercriminals: Understanding the External Threat Landscape
Getting Ahead of the Cybercriminals: Understanding the External Threat Landscape
Security leaders face an uphill task as cybercriminals become increasingly creative and armed with an arsenal of seemingly unlimited resources. Rapid digitalization to re-capture post-pandemic...
Claroty – Visibility into Vulnerability
Claroty – Visibility into Vulnerability
Organizations are facing a brave new world in which governments are taking a proactive role in constraining cybersecurity risks. Companies with operational infrastructure that is deemed ‘critical’...