
Buyer's Compass

KuppingerCole Buyer’s Compass is an instrument that delivers the key criteria to look at when choosing a service/product from a certain category. It lists the most relevant functional and non-functional requirements, lists questions to ask the vendors, and maps capabilities to the main use cases.
Decentralized Identity
Buyer's Compass
Decentralized Identity
Decentralized identity solutions - sometimes referred to as blockchain ID - are developing into a viable segment in IAM. Because the market segment is still very heterogeneous and gaining maturity,...
Identity Verification
Buyer's Compass
Identity Verification
Being able to verify that an identity does indeed describe the individual it was created for is a valuable capability in many use cases, including know your customer (KYC), passwordless...
Providers of Verified Identity
Buyer's Compass
Providers of Verified Identity
It is no longer enough to create and secure user identities. Verifying that the identity does indeed describe the individual it was created for is a valuable capability in many use cases, including...