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Event Recording
Jun 10, 2021
Kunden-Identitätsmanagement als Fundament Ihrer Innovation

Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM), die Verwaltung und Kontrolle der Kunden-Identitäten, hilft Firmen, die Nutzung der Kundendaten sicher und datenschutzkonform zu gestalten, ohne den Blick auf ihr Business zu verlieren.

Erfahren Sie von Auth0 wie man einfach, schnell, und sicher eine Identity Plattform integrieren kann und sparen Sie wertvolle Zeit um Ihr Kern-Geschäft weiter zu entwickeln und zu innovieren.


  • Features einer modernen CIAM-Lösungen und die Vorteile von Standardlösungen
  • Mehrwert der Integration von Identitätsmanagement-Lösungen in Ihre Geschäftsprozesse
  • Kundenbeispiele für erfolgreiche Integrationen und gehobene Potenziale
  • Zeit für Innovationen gewinnen
Event Recording
May 27, 2021
Jas Sagoo: The Business Balancing Act: User Experience and Security

In today’s digital environment, the bar has been reset when it comes to remote working, e-commerce, e-learning, e-health and streaming services. The demand for simple and secure digital experiences for customers has never been higher. And while logging in is such a common process, it’s easy to take for granted. However, that entry point to your application or service is also when organisations become responsible for the user’s digital identity. Combined with the current, fast evolving landscape and the continuous innovation in, and use of technology to deliver products and services, there is an explosion in the number of sources from which users can gain that access. Overlaying all of that, is the constant evolution of the threat landscape and regulations that inevitably follow.

For leaders who are managing changes in revenue-generating business models, while still working to grow their position in the market, they must balance two goals: delivering security and customer experience. 

Join Auth0 as we discuss, and provide some insights on how to utilise a strategic approach to digital identities, that has helped customers such as Siemens, GrandVision and The Economist to:

  • Maintain and improve the user experience

  • Provide an innovative - and differentiated - product or service, that can adapt and scale as the business grows

  • Achieve the above two points, while still ensuring security and trust for their customers’ digital identities

Event Recording
Mar 04, 2021
Tobias Urban: The Balance Between User Experience and Security

Logging in is such a common process, it’s easy to take for granted. However, that entry point to your application or service is also when organizations become responsible for the user’s digital identity. And with the increase in innovation, and use of technology to deliver products and services, there is an explosion in the number of sources from which users can gain access. Overlaying all of that is the constant evolution of the threat landscape and regulations that inevitably follow.

Tech leaders who want to grow their position in the market must balance two goals: delivering security and customer experience.

Join Auth0 as we discuss, and provide some insights on how to utilize a strategic approach to digital identities, that has helped customers such as Siemens, HolidayCheck, and EnBW to:

  • Maintain and improve the user experience
  • Provide an innovative - and differentiated - product or service, that can scale as the business grows
  • Achieve the above two points, while still ensuring security and trust for their customers’ digital identities
Event Recording
Nov 20, 2020
Mathias Conradt: Anatomie von Credential-Stuffing-Angriffen

In dem Maße, in dem Computerdienste kostengünstiger werden, sind böswillige Akteure in der Lage, Bot-basierte Angriffe auszuführen, um auf Benutzerkonten kostengünstiger und einfacher als je zuvor zuzugreifen. Dies bedeutet, dass die Bedrohungen nicht auf Banken oder "hochwertige" Ziele beschränkt sind. Vielmehr werden alltägliche Verbraucherdienste in großem Maßstab angegriffen, was Sicherheitsprobleme für Einzelhandels-, Reise-, Lebensmittel- und Medienunternehmen schafft. Wie sehen diese Angriffe aus? Wie lassen sie sich identifizieren? Wie schützen Sie Ihre Kunden und Ihr Unternehmen vor kompromittierten Konten und dem Verlust digitaler Vermögenswerte? In dieser Sitzung werden wir die Form und Verbreitung moderner Bot-Bedrohungen wie Brute-Force-Angriffe und Credential-Stuffing-Angriffe erörtern und diskutieren, was Sie dagegen tun können.

Event Recording
Oct 28, 2020
Yvo van Doorn: Attract and Retain More Customers with CIAM Technology

Consumers are now accessing gated content, customer portals or smart devices in ways and at a scale never seen before. The most successful companies aren’t just focused on providing secure, seamless and painless access for the end-user. They’re also passionate about delivering a customer experience that will help them drive growth. And it starts at the login box.