Jürgen Schulze
Author - Information Security

Jürgen Schulze

Jürgen Schulze has been working in IT since 1984, from 2001 onward primarily in the field of information security. During this time, he has also been involved in the use of artificial language understanding (NLU). Among other things, he developed the concept for a method for identity-free targeting of online ads. Based on his concept of contextual classification of unstructured legacy data at rest, PwC Deutschland developed "Smart Information Inventory", a solution based on NLU (Natural Language Understanding), which identifies critical content in unstructured data for further processing in compliance with regulatory requirements and the law. He is the author of several technical books and is currently working on a narrative technical book that will answer the question of what will happen to our digital legacies when we can no longer take care of them. He is also working on "Human Centric Digital Governance“ with regard to cybersecurity. To this end, he published a "Point of View" with best-selling author Maike van den Boom at PwC Germany in 2021 titled: „Kann Cyber Sicherheit glücklich machen?” (Can Cyber Security Make You Happy?). His book „ChatGPT - Das perfekte Versprechen“ (ChatGPT - The Impeccable Vow) has been published on Apple Books and Amazon Kindle in German. Here, Jürgen addresses aspects of the use of chatbot technologies that have not been considered in this context, so far.

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