Nick Mothershaw
Chief Identity Strategist, The Open Identity Exchange

Nick Mothershaw

Nick is Chief Identity Strategist at the Open Identity Exchange, a community for all those involved in the ID sector to connect and collaborate. Together we develop the guidance needed for interoperable, trusted identities on a global basis. Through OIX’s definition of, and education on, Trust Frameworks we create the rules, tools, and confidence to allow every individual a trusted, universally accepted, identity.

Nick has expert knowledge of Identity and Fraud techniques, solutions, and standards across a wide variety of different sectors and jurisdictions.

Nick was previously Director of ID and Fraud at Experian where he was responsible for the development of Experian’s fraud and identity solutions for both the public and private sectors. Nick led Experian’s development, launch and operation of a full “Identity as a Service” solution which was the first live example of a Digital ID being seamlessly interoperable across public and private sector.

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