Chema Alonso
Chief Executive Officer, Eleven Paths, Telefonica

Chema Alonso

Chema Alonso is a world-renowned security expert who regularly presents his experience and skills at the most prestigious conferences, such as BlackHat for instance. Fourteen years ago, Chema founded Informática 64, from which ElevenPaths would eventually arise, to provide security consultancy and audit services. Many tools created at Informática 64 in the area of security achieved recognition in the world of security, such as FOCA or Metashield, which are used by professionals worldwide. Everyday Chema writes in the blog ” Un informático en el lado del mal (An IT specialist from the dark side)”, which covers current issues in hacking and security. He has been Dean of the Master’s in Security program of Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM) and professor of the Master’s in Security program of Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). As part of his awareness-raising work, in addition to presenting his experience the world over, he also routinely participates in radio, television, and newspapers, offering recommendations and comments on technology security.

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