
Buyer's Compass

KuppingerCole Buyer’s Compass is an instrument that delivers the key criteria to look at when choosing a service/product from a certain category. It lists the most relevant functional and non-functional requirements, lists questions to ask the vendors, and maps capabilities to the main use cases.
Fraud Reduction Intelligence Platforms
Buyer's Compass
Fraud Reduction Intelligence Platforms
Fraud is a major cost to businesses worldwide and this has been exacerbated by the worldwide Covid pandemic. Banking, finance, payment services, and retail are some of the most frequent targets of...
Identity Verification
Buyer's Compass
Identity Verification
Being able to verify that an identity does indeed describe the individual it was created for is a valuable capability in many use cases, including know your customer (KYC), passwordless...
Intelligent SIEM Platforms
Buyer's Compass
Intelligent SIEM Platforms
Modern organizations rely heavily on IT and data, making them prime targets for cyber attackers, including activist groups, cybercriminals, and state-sponsored entities. Security Information and...
Network Detection & Response (NDR)
Buyer's Compass
Network Detection & Response (NDR)
Network Detection & Response (NDR) is the term for the tools that monitor networks for suspicious activities and threats and provide capabilities for alerting, intercepting, and preventing damage....
Unified Endpoint Management
Buyer's Compass
Unified Endpoint Management
Unified Endpoint Management refers to comprehensive solutions with capabilities that support a range of endpoint types. This KuppingerCole Buyer’s Compass will provide you with questions to ask...
Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)
Buyer's Compass
Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)
Security Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR) refers to comprehensive solutions with capabilities that support a range of security tools and data sources. This KuppingerCole Buyer’s Compass...