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Webinar Recording
Apr 26, 2019
Secure Login for Highly-Regulated Hybrid Environments: Avoid Being Forced Into the Cloud

The march of the cloud is unstoppable. Eager to outsource the tedious and expensive maintenance of their IT infrastructures to a reliable 3rd party, most companies would dream of becoming cloud-native, at least in the long term. Needless to say, letting someone else run your identity management out there sounds like a great idea as well, hence the rising popularity of Identity-as-a-Service solutions that combine the latest technology achievements with the flexibility of the cloud.

Webinar Recording
May 17, 2016
The Future of Mobile Authentication: Strong, Adaptive, Intelligent
The unstoppable march of cloud, mobile and social computing in the recent years has made a profound impact on our society. Exponential growth of corporate digital assets combined with the overwhelming proliferation of mobile devices put enormous pressure on modern businesses to become increasingly connected. To stay competitive, they must be able to adapt their business models to constantly changing customer demands, technology innovations and ever-increasing number of communications channels with their current and future customers, business partners, suppliers and, of course, their own employees.