OIDF Meet-up
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What’s Hot at the OpenID Foundation

Pre-conference Event
Tuesday, May 09, 2023 08:30—12:30
Location: B 09

OpenID Foundation leaders and contributors will brief the EIC community on the latest progress and outlook for the OpenID Foundation. As part of this workshop we will cover: 

Please join us early to be part of the conversation. Workshop presenters include Nat Sakimura, Gail Hodges, Kristina Yasuda, Torsten Lodderstedt, Tim Cappalli and others.






Nat Sakimura & Gail Hodges


OIDF Strategy & New News

Gail Hodges


OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Update

Torsten Lodderstedt & Kristina Yasuda


FAPI 2.0 is Healthy -- Using OIDC and FAPI 2.0 in a National eHealth Ecosystem

Steinar Noem


OIDF Certification Program Update

Joseph Heenan


Connect WG Update

Michael Jones





eKYC & IDA WG Update

Mark Haine


FAPI WG Update

Nat Sakimura


Shared Signals WG Update

Atul Tulshibagwale


OIDF Government Whitepaper Preview

Elizabeth Garber


GAIN Update

Elizabeth Garber & Dima Postnikov


Q&A & Member discussion topics

Gail Hodges & Nat Sakimura


Closing Remarks & Networking


Elizabeth Garber
Elizabeth Garber
OpenID Foundation
Elizabeth Garber is co-founder and Chief Product Officer of IDPartner, a startup that puts people in control of their digital identities. Her background includes leading the Open Digital Trust...
Mark Haine
Mark Haine
OpenID Foundation
Mark is an engineer and entrepreneur who has focussed his career on building solutions that enable business and mitigate risk in financial services. At the start of 2020 Mark founded...
Joseph Heenan
Joseph Heenan
Authlete Inc
Joseph is a software engineer & architect with over 25 years’ experience, who started writing mobile apps before mobile apps existed. He contributes to IETF and OpenID Foundation working...
Gail Hodges
Gail Hodges
OpenID Foundation
The OpenID Foundation is a non-profit global standards body that seeks to help people assert their identity wherever they choose by leading the global community in creating identity standards that...
Dr. Michael B. Jones
Dr. Michael B. Jones
OpenID Foundation
Michael B. Jones is on a quest to build the Internet’s missing identity layer. He is an editor of the OpenID Connect specifications, IETF OAuth specifications, including JSON Web Token (JWT)...
Dr. Torsten Lodderstedt
Dr. Torsten Lodderstedt
yes IDP GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Torsten Lodderstedt is managing director at yes with more than 15 years experience in running large scale consumer identity services. In his previous positions, he helped organisations in...
Steinar Noem
Steinar Noem
Udelt AS
  I am a programmer at heart but spend my days on the softer parts of development. I work with enterprise/ecosystem architecture and business requirements related to digital identity in the...
Dima Postnikov
Dima Postnikov
Experienced Identity Architect focusing on anything identity, privacy, trust ecosystems design and identity standards development. 
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