Joseph Heenan
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Joseph Heenan

Authlete Inc

Joseph is a software engineer & architect with over 25 years’ experience, who started writing mobile apps before mobile apps existed.

He contributes to IETF and OpenID Foundation working groups, including the FAPI group where he helped write the security profiles used by most OpenBanking ecosystems. He’s helped companies around the globe architect and deploy secure systems, particularly when mobile apps are involved. Joseph is also Technical Lead of the OpenID Foundation Certification Program.

Joseph lives in Glasgow, Scotland with his wife.They love travelling to Japan and between them they’ve fostered over 100 cats for the Cats Protection charity.

Joseph Heenan
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
What’s Hot at the OpenID Foundation
Pre-conference Event
May 10, 2023
17:30 - 17:45
High-security & interoperable OAuth 2: What's the latest?
Combined Session
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