Steinar Noem
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Steinar Noem

Consultant / Advisor
Udelt AS


I am a programmer at heart but spend my days on the softer parts of development. I work with enterprise/ecosystem architecture and business requirements related to digital identity in the ehealth domain.
I have been working for the health sector in Norway as a consultant for 8 years, focusing on authentication and authorization in the context of sharing health information between health personnel across different health care institutions in the Norwegian health sector.

I currently work on establishing a common trust framework for the health sector in Norway, spending more time on the organizational and legal side of sharing health information.


I have a profound interest in and love for the open international standards OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, and have spent a lot of time on how these standards can be put to work for accessing and sharing health information. 

I am a personal member of OpenID Foundation, and I am also part of the organizing team for the OAuth Security Workshop (OSW).

Steinar Noem
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
What’s Hot at the OpenID Foundation
Pre-conference Event
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