Atul Tulshibagwale
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Atul Tulshibagwale


Atul is a federated identity pioneer and the inventor of the Continuous Access Evaluation Protocol (CAEP), forming the basis of the Shared Signals and Events working group in the OpenID Foundation, which he co-chairs. Prior to joining SGNL, he was a technical leader at Google where he focused on extending access security across multi-vendor SaaS and on-premise systems. Earlier, he was the CEO and Co-Founder of Trustgenix (acquired by Hewlett Packard), where he defined the federation server, an architectural concept now adopted by all major Identity Providers. He helped define open standards such as the Liberty Alliance and SAML 2.0. He continued with HP as the Director of Federation. Prior to joining Google, Atul was at MobileIron as an Identity Architect.

Atul Tulshibagwale
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
What’s Hot at the OpenID Foundation
Pre-conference Event
May 10, 2023
11:00 - 11:20
CAEP and Shared Signals - Past, Present and Future
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May 10, 2023
17:50 - 18:30
Modern Authorization Panel - Going Beyond RBAC
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May 11, 2023
15:50 - 16:10
What’s Next In Enterprise Authorization
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