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Analyst’s Insight: CIEM: Your cloud is only as secure as YOU make it

Analyst’s Insight: CIEM: Your cloud is only as secure as YOU make it

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 12:35—12:55

Get ready for a dynamic session that brings KuppingerCole's latest research directly to you. Our analysts kick things off with a tantalizing teaser of their cutting-edge research topics. Then, it's over to you! Engage in a lively Q&A, delve deep into explanations, and ignite discussions. This session thrives on your active participation, so come prepared to share your insights and perspectives.

Location: Stratus 2

Paul Fisher
Lead Analyst
Paul Fisher is a Lead Analyst who researches primarily on cybersecurity and identity and access management (IAM). He also studies trends in AI, IoT and data governance for different industry...
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