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Pitch Night

cyberevolution Pitch Night:
Where Innovations Spark Up

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Expo Area of cyberevolution at Kap Europa, Frankfurt (Main)

Innovative ideas can electrify a room like lightning in a thunderstorm. That’s why we go to conferences after all: To be inspired, electrified, stimulated. If you are looking for maximum stimulation, the cyberevolution Pitch Night is the place to be!

Some of cybersecurity’s most innovative trailblazers will present inspiring ideas and projects in 2-minute bite-sized pitches. Not only will you learn about groundbreaking technologies and forays into uncharted digital territory, but you will also get opportunities galore to network with other attendees and presenters, fostering valuable collaborations to help drive your business towards a prosperous future.

To enhance your experience, we will provide catering with delectable food and refreshing beverages. Savor the flavors while immersing yourself in the electric atmosphere of intellectual exchange and entrepreneurial spirit.

The cyberevolution Pitch Night is open to everyone regardless of level of experience or company. While anyone can apply to be a speaker, we reserve the right to choose speakers based on their proposed topic. We may also have to limit the number of speakers due to time constraints.
Propose a Talk
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory
Speaker Information
I want to submit an application on behalf of another person
Speaker Application
Yes, it complies with my company's regulations that I receive a complimentary ticket for the event (if not, we will provide you with a special booking code to receive a discounted ticket)
Pitch Night format
The cyberevolution Pitch Night consists of inspiring, bite-sized pitches with a maximum length of 150 seconds without presentation slides.
Speaker entitlements
If you are selected as a speaker, you will receive a complimentary conference registration. This registration covers the whole conference (on-site or online), including all workshops and all pre- and post-conference sessions. Should your organization prohibit you from accepting a complimentary pass, please inform us.
Speaker preparation materials
As a confirmed cyberevolution speaker, you will be added to our speakers’ mailing list and receive all the information you need to prepare and attend through email. To support European data law (GDPR), we’d like to inform you of how we process and use this personal data. You may find our Privacy Policy on our website.
Level of presentation depth
Session aimed at newcomers to the field, covering basic concepts, fundamental principles, and introductory overviews
Presentation for attendees with some experience, offering deeper dives into specific topics, practical applications, and case studies
Highly technical session designed for experts, focusing on in-depth analysis, complex problem-solving, advanced techniques, and the latest research
Your Benefits
Build Your Personal Brand
Delivering a talk at a conference provides a platform to build your personal brand. It gives you visibility and exposure to a wider audience of cybersecurity professionals, industry leaders, and potential employers. This can lead to networking opportunities, career advancement, and even potential speaking engagements at future events.
Promote Your Ingenuity
Access to the Conference
Win a Prize
Grow with the Challenge
Event Details
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 | 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Expo Area of cyberevolution at Kap Europa, Frankfurt (Main)
The cyberevolution Pitch Night is free of charge for all event participants with a Conference Ticket
Get a conference ticket
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