Dr. Phillip Messerschmidt
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Dr. Phillip Messerschmidt

Lead Advisor

Dr. Phillip Messerschmidt joined KuppingerCole in January 2021 as Advisor & Analyst. Prior to this, he worked for various management consultancies, primarily advising major banks on challenges related to the IT security infrastructure topic of identity and access management (IAM). His focus was on the functional content and activities, such as the establishment of a company-wide authorization structure, the cleansing of historical data and the functional design of IAM-relevant processes. Dr. Phillip Messerschmidt also incorporated the practical experience he gained into his dissertation "Profitability of Identity and Access Management in the Digital Transformation".

Dr. Phillip Messerschmidt
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
Building the Roadmap for Your Future IAM
Pre-conference Event
May 10, 2023
14:30 - 14:50
Designing Your Future Identity Fabric Program
Combined Session

May 11, 2023
11:00 - 13:00
Identity Fabrics Legacy Transition
May 10, 2023
14:30 - 18:30
Identity Fabrics: Empowering your Digital Business
May 10, 2023
11:00 - 13:00
Identity Fabrics: Maturity Levels
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