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Aris Koios

Aris Koios

Technology Strategist - Central Europe
Aris Koios is a trusted leader with over 16 years of experience in the cybersecurity industry in Europe, ANZ and Asia. As a Technology Strategist for CrowdStrike, he is part of the CTO office and responsible for creating and communicating the company’s technical vision and strategy for Central Europe, facilitating the entry of new security technology concepts to market to position CrowdStrike as the thought leader for Cybersecurity with customers, partners, and with industry analysts. Prior to CrowdStrike, Aris worked in several leadership and technical roles in pre-sales and consulting, where he focused on designing, implementing and operating security solutions to prevent breaches and reduce risks for organizations in a multitude of sectors, including government agencies, FSI, MSSP/SPs, universities, ICS and large multinationals.

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