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Open Wallet Foundation (OWF) Guide to Safe Digital Wallet Selection

Open Wallet Foundation (OWF) Guide to Safe Digital Wallet Selection

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 12:00—12:20
Location: A 03-04
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Digital Wallets put the holder in control of their digital assets (e.g., identity information, financial instruments, other tokenized assets) and can provide a means to verify holder identity claims. Unless they are implemented carefully, they can open new vulnerabilities, or "back-doors" for undesirable surveillance, profiling, fraud, and the active correlation of users.

Members of the Open Wallet Foundation (OWF) created a guide and an accompanying scoring template to provide a way for analysts to create simple and easy-to-understand comparisons of the safety features of different digital wallets that can be appreciated by non-experts.

Juliana and Dan will present the key elements of the OWF Safe Wallet Guide in this session.

Daniel Bachenheimer
Digital Identity Innovations Technical Lead
Daniel Bachenheimer, an Electrical Engineer by training, is Accenture’s Digital Identity Innovations technical lead and has been designing and delivering solutions for various clients for...
Juliana Cafik
Identity Standards Architect
Juliana shows 27+ years of Architecting & Implementing Solutions & Products for Financial Services to enable non-repudiation, security and compliance including PCI DSS, EMV, KYC, NFC,...
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