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Daniel Bachenheimer

Daniel Bachenheimer

Digital Identity Innovations Technical Lead
Daniel Bachenheimer, an Electrical Engineer by training, is Accenture’s Digital Identity Innovations technical lead and has been designing and delivering solutions for various clients for over 30 years. For the past 20 years, Dan has focused on Border Management and Identity Management solutions and has been involved in large-scale Identity systems including US-VISIT and UIDAI, Trusted Traveler Programs, Multimodal Biometric systems integration, RFID implementations, along with Identity, Credential and Access Management solutions. Dan participates in biometrics standards (INCITS, ISO/IEC SC37), blockchain standards (ISO TC307), ID Cards and Wallets (INCITS, ISO/IEC 17, is an IEEE Certified Biometrics Professional, is a Biometrics Institute Director and Privacy Expert Group contributing member, is Co-Chair of INATBA’s Identity Working Group is the Vice Chair of IATA’s Identity Management Working Group, is an ID2020 Technical Advisory Committee contributing member, participates in ToIP, DIACC, WTTC, WEF, and Turing Institute Digital Identity working groups, and has contributed to World Economic Forum and World Bank reports related to Identity.

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June 06, 2024
16:00 - 16:30
Panel: The Future of Travel Credentials
Combined Session
June 07, 2024
11:30 - 11:50
Digital Wallet Holder Binding
Combined Session
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