Roles; Access Governance
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Policy-Based Access, Just-in-Time IAM, Next-Gen IAM - Getting Rid of Roles and Recertification

Combined Session
Thursday, May 11, 2023 11:00—11:40
Location: B 07-08

Access control is a key part of cyber security, however traditional approaches do not work well for modern business IT environments that nowadays typically include a mix of applications on-prem and across multiple cloud environments.

Most modern companies tend to struggle with access management for a variety of reasons. These include the fact that it is difficult to make the necessary connections to the many disparate IT systems for which they need to provision access, role-based access management is challenging, static role-based entitlements are difficult to manage and typically require regular recertification processes, and traditional approaches are focused on granting access to resources required by an individual to perform their job function, but do not cover how those rights are actually used to stop any abuse of entitlements.

In addition, course-grained authorization is no longer sufficient because modern applications and sensitive data assets in cloud-native, containerized and DevOps environments require fine grained authorization capabilities that can also supply identity attributes and context variables.

A policy-based approach can address many of the pain points experienced by organizations today by enabling a centralized, consistent, dynamic, on-demand (just-in-time) way of managing access to IT resources. In this panel session we will discuss nothing less than the future of Access Management.

Dr. Jordi Cuesta
Dr. Jordi Cuesta
With more than 20 years of experience on the IAM market, Jordi is heading the IAM Evidian Product Line with specific responsibility for the offers Identity Governance & Administration and...
Ward Duchamps
Ward Duchamps
Thales Digital Identity and Security
Ward Duchamps, who brings over two decades of experience in Identity and Access Management, currently serves as the Director of Strategy & Innovation for the Identity & Access Management...
Allan Foster
Allan Foster
Allan Foster has helped build ForgeRock into a multinational identity software vendor with offices on four continents. Allan’s deep technical knowledge has been well used in all aspects of...
Gal Helemski
Gal Helemski
Gal is a recognized specialist in cyber security with specific focus on identity and access management. In the past 16 years she has defined solutions to customers, wrote the project specs,...
Brian Iverson
Brian Iverson
Tuebora Inc.
Brian brings over 25 years of experience in identity and access management strategy and deployment. Brian spent the bulk of his career working in professional services at KPMG, where he led...
Gustaf Kaijser
Gustaf Kaijser
Gustaf Kaijser has experience from over 50 implementations of PBAC solutions from his time as Sales Director EMEA at Axiomatics (XACLM) and Styra (OPA). He currently works at Head of Sales...
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