Ward Duchamps
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Ward Duchamps

Senior Product Strategist
Thales Digital Identity and Security

Ward Duchamps, who brings over two decades of experience in Identity and Access Management, currently serves as the Director of Strategy & Innovation for the Identity & Access Management (IAM) product line at Thales.
Prior to joining Thales, Ward was the founder and CEO of Scaled Access, a specialist in fine-grained and policy-based authorization, which became an integral part of the Thales OneWelcome Identity Platform since early 2022. Additionally, Ward co-founded cloud authorization broker miaa Guard, and served as the company’s CTO for over a decade. During his tenure there, he led a dedicated team in integrating CIAM technology for numerous corporate customers. Before these ventures, Ward served as the Director of security and privacy services at Deloitte.

Ward Duchamps
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May 12, 2023
12:10 - 12:30
Covering Your Customer Identity Needs - The Way Forward
Combined Session
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