Building Enterprise Security Resilience
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Building Enterprise Security Resilience

Combined Session
Wednesday, November 09, 2022 12:00—12:20
Location: Historic Kassenhalle

The continued pace of digitization across industries has connected people, assets, and data via a suite of emerging technologies. Yet, advances in speed, collaboration and productivity have been met with the emergence of hidden, complex technological risks.

A cyber resilience plan built around defensible, risk-informed choices thereby becomes critical to ensure business continuity amidst the increased pace and scale of technological trends associated with digital transformation. Join Dr. Ralf Schneider as he expands on the key role played by cybersecurity leaders to effectively transform organizations into resilient enterprises.

Dr. Ralf Schneider
Dr. Ralf Schneider
Allianz SE
In the past 28 years with Allianz Ralf has had several executive and leadership positions. Just until recently Ralf was Allianz Group CIO over the past 13 years. Since October this year...
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