Major Use Cases and Capabilities

The top use cases and capabilities that solutions in this market address. Choose your use case for a personalized view on product requirements.

Major Use Cases

The main use cases for Unified Endpoint Management technology adoption and their principal characteristics as observed are listed in the table below:

Improved Compliance

DLP is aimed at ensuring organizations comply with data protection regulations and are not exposed to fines or reputational damage. Data breaches involving PII feature frequently in news headlines, costing organizations a great deal in terms of remediation, fines, and lost business.

Data Security

Enforcing the Policy of Least Privilege (PoLP).

Greater Visibility into Assets

Monitoring data that is accessed and shared by end users.

Protection of Sensitive Data

The aim of DLP is to ensure organizations’ intellectual property is protected. This includes copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets, such as formulas, processes, designs, and information that a business relies on to maintain a competitive advantage. Where organizations license their IP to other organizations, there needs to be a means of ensuring the protection of that IP through access control policies.


Data Protection

An evaluation of all the data protection functionality and features provided by the solution, including coverage of data channels and file formats.

Data Discovery

A measurement of the solution’s capability to discover data wherever it may reside across an enterprise IT environment.

Data Classification

An examination of the data classification functions, features and capabilities offered by the solution.

Cloud Computing Support

A measurement of the degree to which the solution covers and protects cloud computing environments from data loss.

Work from Anywhere Support

In indication of the degree to which the solution is able to provide protection against data leakage where the workforce is increasingly working from home or remote locations.

Insider Threat Protection

An evaluation of the features and functionality provided by the solution to detect and protect against insider threats.


An examination of the administrative support provided by the solution in terms of ease of use for management features, support for deployment and initial setup, patching, training for administrators, interoperability, and support for other management and administrative tasks.

End User Support

An evaluation of how much support the solution provides end users in terms of ease of use and security awareness training and guidance.