Fabian Hauck
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Fabian Hauck

Ph.D. Student
University of Stuttgart

Fabian Hauck has several years of experience building prototypes for high-security identity attestation. The insights gained from implementing OpenID for Verifiable Credentials standards substantially contributed to their advancement. Fabian has a strong interest in combining computer security with formal methods. In his master's thesis, he carried out a rigorous formal security analysis of OpenID for Verifiable Credentials specifications using a pen-and-paper model called WIM. This model was created at the University of Stuttgart, where Fabian is currently pursuing his Ph.D. In his doctoral research, he is dedicated to extending an innovative tool called DY*, which is created for mechanized formal security analysis of security-critical protocols. His focus involves enhancing the tool with a comprehensive model of various web technologies to perform in-depth analysis of web protocols.

Fabian Hauck
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
OpenWallet Deepdive
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