Tess Rutgers van Rozenburg - Rottier
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Tess Rutgers van Rozenburg - Rottier

Strategic Advisor
Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy

Tess Rutgers van Rozenburg - Rottier is currently working as a strategic advisor for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, the European Commission and various larger and smaller private parties. Based on her experience at Gartner, the global analyst firm that investigates the impact of new technology, she has developed the Valuetracking methodology to accelerate sustainable innovation and value-based entrepreneurship. There the focus is on solutions that are viable for business, feasible from a technology perspective, desirable for customers and that benefit society and the world at large. The Valuetrack network is now a movement that connects people to find ways to creatively overcome major challenges, such as digital transition and (business) model transformation. 

Tess Rutgers van Rozenburg - Rottier
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
OpenWallet Deepdive
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