Trevor Butterworth
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Trevor Butterworth

VP, Communication and Governance

Trevor Butterworth has spent two decades looking at how data is used and communicated in society, first as a journalist, then as founding director at a think tank, and now as co-founder and VP for Communications and Governance of Indicio. He is chair of the Steering Committee for the Cardea Project at Linux Foundation Public Health, an open source project for sharing verifiable digital health credentials in a privacy preserving way. He is also a member of the Steering Committee for the Covid Credentials Initiative, also at Linux Foundation Public Health, and he is on the Stewards Governance Committee of the Velocity Network. Prior to Indicio, Trevor was a consultant to the Sovrin Foundation, and Director of Research at He was the founding Executive Director of Sense About Science USA, a nonprofit which developed innovative and collaborative projects on communicating the complexity of scientific and statistical evidence with, among others, the American Statistical Association, the Annals of Internal Medicine, MIT, and the Library of Congress.

Trevor Butterworth
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