Darrell Geusz
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Darrell Geusz

Product Lead, Neo
Ping Identity

Darrell Geusz has 25 years of experience in identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) systems and solutions for both the public and private sector. Darrell managed his first mobile identity solution in 1997. Darrell is product lead for PingOneNeo, a modern identity verification and digital credentialing solution delivering a safer, more secure, more affordable, and privacy-by-design paradigm that bridges from today's reality to the user enjoying an omni-channel, Trusted First Party experience in every transaction. Recently, Darrell led the development of the world's first ISO compliant interoperable mobile IDs being used by multiple US state, international government, and commercial issuers. Darrell also pioneered the design, patenting, implementation and usage of cloud-based trust frameworks for two nationwide systems in North and Latin America used by over 1,000 organizations including cache clients such as Chevron, Cardinal Health, Lowes, State Farm, and Walmart. Previously Darrell designed and implemented nearly a dozen turnkey large scale identity systems, including several that currently manage between 10 and 100 million identity records each. Darrell has also served as Subject Matter Expert, Solutions Architect and Technical Policy Advisor for NATO, United Nations (UNDP), US Coast Guard, US Department of State Mérida Initiative, US House of Representatives, US National Sheriffs’ Association and the DHS Emergency Services Sector Coordinating Council (ESSCC).

Darrell Geusz
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
OpenWallet Deepdive
May 10, 2023
16:00 - 16:30
Decentralized Identity: The Way Forward
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May 11, 2023
17:30 - 17:50
The Decentralized Identity Journey has Begun in Financial Services
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