Hed Kovetz
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Hed Kovetz

CEO & Co-Founder

Hed Kovetz is the CEO and Co-Founder of Silverfort, the provider of the Unified Identity Protection platform. Prior to founding Silverfort, Hed served in product management positions at Verint, where he led the company’s cybersecurity platform for governments, architected the national cybersecurity infrastructure of several countries, and won the company’s innovation award for his patent-pending inventions. Previously, Hed served as a Group Leader at the 8200 elite cyber unit of the Israeli Intelligence Corps, where he led 5 teams running advanced cyber campaigns and received the unit’s excellence awards as well as the Chief of Intelligence Corps Award for Innovation. Hed holds an LL.B. from Tel Aviv University.

Hed Kovetz
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May 10, 2023
15:30 - 15:50
Panel: The MFA Dilemma and Moving Beyond Mobile
Combined Session
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