Kim Hamilton Duffy
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Kim Hamilton Duffy

Director, Identity and Standards
Centre Consortium

Kim Hamilton Duffy is Executive Director of Decentralized Identity Foundation. She is passionate about creating innovative and human-centered solutions that unlock new opportunities for individuals and organizations through improved agency over their digital identities.

Kim has been instrumental in pioneering early open source projects in decentralized identity. At the Centre Consortium, she led the development of Verite to improve trust and reduce onboarding friction in financial interactions. During her time as CTO at Learning Machine, she developed the Blockcerts standard and commercial product, empowering individuals through portable learning and skills credentials.

Kim has held leaderships roles in technical standards and interoperability groups such as World Economic Forum, W3C, Decentralized Identity Foundation, and US Chamber of Commerce Foundation, as well as editorial positions at IET Blockchain and IEEE. She holds an M.S. in Applied Math from Cornell University and a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Texas and has over two decades of experience in software engineering and distributed systems.

Kim Hamilton Duffy
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May 11, 2023
11:40 - 12:00
Finding the Signal Through the Noise in Web3(++) Identity
Combined Session
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