Stephen Hutchinson
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Stephen Hutchinson

Director of Security Architecture
Mitsubishi Bank of Tokyo

Steve “Hutch” Hutchinson is the Director of Security Architecture at MUFG. After cutting his teeth in C/C++ software development and network engineering, Hutch spent a decade as an enterprise architect in the healthcare sector focused on security and network technologies. The next decade was spent as the Principal Cybersecurity Architect at General Electric where he oversaw the identity strategy for the Industrial Internet. Hutch is also a founding member of IDPro and was honored to sit on the inaugural Board focused on community development which has always been one of his passions. If you’re ever in Richmond, VA on a Wednesday night, drop him a note for an invite to his biweekly backyard get-together.

Stephen Hutchinson
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May 10, 2023
12:20 - 12:40
Tilting at White Towers: Making Your Identity Architecture Actionable
Combined Session
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