Olaf Grewe
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Olaf Grewe

Product Lead Digital Identity & Access
National Australia Bank

Olaf Grewe has been in and around the identity space for a little under a decade. His overall attitude is best described as a kid in a candy store with so many problems to solve, incredibly talented people to work with, and solutions to be iterated over.

Following a long-ish career in information security, he was thrown in the deep end of identity when tasked with finishing a access governance roll-out for a large, global financial institution. Olaf then moved into the digital identity space for another financial institution. As the engineering lead he looked to deliver a best practice, cost-efficient service that accelerated digital offerings and delight customers.

He is currently the product lead for digital identity and access, exploring the ins and outs of the intersection between engineering, design, delivery, and product in search of excellence for customers. 

Olaf Grewe
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
OpenWallet Deepdive
May 10, 2023
11:00 - 11:20
Three Years is a Long Time in Identity
Combined Session
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