Dirk Backofen
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Dirk Backofen

Tribe Lead Digital Identities
T-Systems International GmbH

Dirk Backofen is the Tribe Lead Digital Identities of T-Systems International GmbH. In this role Dirk is accountable for a new Business Unit including all technologies like SSI, eID, Smart eID and OIDC

Dirk also orchestrates the Telekom / T-Systems activities regarding the project “Eco-System of Digital Identities in Germany”. Dirk is responsible for Telekom’s contribution in uses cases, architecture and in EUDI compatible ID-Wallet systems for the EU-Large Scale Pilots and EU-Identities.

Dirk represents Deutsche Telekom / T-Systems as board member in the shareholder board and in the supervisory board of Verimi, an ID-Wallet focused subsidiary of T-Systems and 23 other important shareholders. Dirk has developed the Business Model “Wallet as a Service” in which T-Systems and Verimi deliver the Sek-IPD for BARMER, an innovative cloud-based identity-solution based on Confidential Computing, HSM-Support and operator exclusion running in the Open Sovereign Cloud of T-Systems.

In 2016 Dirk Backofen successfully established the business unit Telekom Security – a startup within Deutsche Telekom AG. Dirk run this business until April 2020.

Dirk Backofen has a master’s degree in information technology (Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany)) and has been working for Deutsche Telekom since 1991.

Dirk Backofen
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
OpenWallet Deepdive
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