Andrew Hughes
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Andrew Hughes

Director of Identity Standards
Ping Identity

Andrew Hughes CISM CISSP is Director of Identity Standards at Ping Identity. He is a digital identity strategist contributing to international standards development. He works with international associations and standards bodies as a domain expert, developing standards and related conformity assessment materials. Andrew serves on the Board of Directors of Kantara Initiative, and as the Chair of the Kantara Leadership Council. As a national expert delegate for Standards Canada on digital identity, he contributes to development of international standards at ISO SC 27 for identity management and ISO SC 17 for mobile driving licenses and mobile eID. Andrew is currently investigating how the worlds of Government Issued Photo ID can co-exist with the emerging Verifiable Credentials models, in a mobile-first manner.

Andrew Hughes
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May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
OpenWallet Deepdive
May 09, 2023
08:30 - 12:30
Kantara Initiative Meet-Up - The Identity Place To Be
Pre-conference Event
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