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POTENTIAL - The European Identity Wallet

POTENTIAL - The European Identity Wallet

Combined Session
Wednesday, June 05, 2024 12:45—13:00
Location: C 01
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This presentation will update you on the work of the European Commission co-funded consortium PilOTs for EuropeaN digiTal Identity wALlet (POTENTIAL). POTENTIAL is one of the four large scale pilots selected by the Commission to experiment digital identity across Europe. It brings together more than 140 active public and private actors from 19 EU Member-States and Ukraine, coordinated by France and Germany, to test the interoperability of national digital identity wallets in six use-cases for critical digital identity sectors: facilitated access to eGovernment services, online opening of bank accounts, SIM card eRegistration, mobile driving license (mDL), qualified electronic signature (QES) and ePrescription.

Dr. Moritz Heuberger
German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community
In the Department for Digital Identities and Authentication at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, Dr. Moritz Heuberger is responsible for the European dimension of digital...
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