The revision of the eIDAS regulation introduces new requirements, challenges as well as opportunities for organisations. In this talk Adrian Doerk provides a structured guidance of aspects organisations need to be aware of to be well positioned in the market. After a general introduction to the eIdAS ecosystem, the focus will be on organisations who want to issue and verify qualified electronic attestation of attributes to/from the European Digital Identity Wallet.
While eIDAS 2.0 is still under legislative process, closing to the end, the European Commission prepares the framework for the EUDI Wallet reference implementation, and standardization bodies are working on developing new technical standards.
There is a real need for updated information on all efforts around eIDAS 2.0, as the implementing deadlines are very tight.
The session will shed light on latest developments and impact on the market.
Germany's healthcare sector will introduce its own ID wallet called "Sectoral IDP" for all statutorily insured persons on 01.01.2024. The issuers of the wallet are the health insurance companies, and approval will be granted in accordance with the extensive specifications of gematik (the regulatory authority). The ID attributes are issued by 2 issuers: PID and health insurer. The sectoral IDP is based on the OpenID Connect (core and Federation), Open Authorization 2.0 (OAuth 2) and JSON Web Token (JWT) standards. The presentation will describe the specific gematik requirements for product and operations of the ID wallet as well as their possible implementation. Despite the closed system in eHealth (Telematics Infrastructure) by definition, bridges to developments of ID wallets outside the sector such as EU, AML and eIDAS will be shown.