AI & ML in IAM
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AI & Identity - Perspectives and Use Cases

Combined Session
Thursday, May 11, 2023 15:10—15:30
Location: B 05

Mike Kiser
Mike Kiser
Mike Kiser has held a panoply of industry positions over the past 20 years—from the Office of the CTO to Security Strategist to Security Analyst to Security Architect—that might imply...
Eve Maler
Eve Maler
Venn Factory
Eve is a globally recognized pioneer in identity and access management and standards, with roots in semi-structured data modeling and the API economy and a passion for fostering successful...
Patrick Parker
Patrick Parker
Patrick Parker is the founder and CEO of EmpowerID, a company specializing in Identity and Access Management for over 20 years. He pioneered the unique use of Role and Attribute-Based Access...
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