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Enforcing Decentralized Authorization in a Multi-Platform API Landscape at Scale

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 17:30—17:50
Location: B 07-08

Authorization (AuthZ) and Authentication (AuthN) go hand in hand in ensuring zero-trust in your system landscape. But while scaling identity can be done by centralizing it in an IAM solution, centralizing authorization is seldom a scalable solution. Increased latency, varying requirements and maintainability are all key reasons to want a more decentralized solution that can adapt and scale.

In this talk we will describe how to use Open Policy Agent (OPA) to achieve decentralized authorization in a multi-platform API landscape, including both modern and legacy platforms, while simultanously ensuring centralized compliance controls and enforcement.

Enforcing Decentralized Authorization in a Multi-Platform API Landscape at Scale
Event Recording
Enforcing Decentralized Authorization in a Multi-Platform API Landscape at Scale
Click here to watch the recording of this session. Please note that this video is only available to event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to watch it.
Enforcing Decentralized Authorization in a Multi-Platform API Landscape at Scale
Presentation deck
Enforcing Decentralized Authorization in a Multi-Platform API Landscape at Scale
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Michael Lind Mortensen
Michael Lind Mortensen
Michael is a leader in one of Denmark's biggest banking consortiums, Bankdata, managing zero-trust decentralized authorization for 8 member banks and 2000+ APIs. Michael has also been a board...
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