Becoming a Multifaceted CISO
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Achievement Unlocked: Navigating the Labyrinth of Cyber Leadership

Combined Session
Wednesday, November 09, 2022 11:40—12:00
Location: Historic Kassenhalle

The role of a CISO has expanded beyond technical competence and compliance – an uncertain threat landscape calls for a technically competent leader with strategic oversight across the board, from engaging with multiple stakeholders to manage and get buy-in for cyber resilience programs to communicating cyber strategies to the board.

Join Christoph Hagenbuch and Alexander Silhavy in this session as they share proven strategies to help you make critical cybersecurity decisions and provides best practices on effective stakeholder management and communication.


Christoph Hagenbuch
Christoph Hagenbuch
Christoph is working as governance, risk & compliance manager in the cyber security unit of E.ON. His main responsibility is to ensure the compliance within the digital supply chain and...
Alexander Silhavy
Alexander Silhavy
Alexander is a fresh Leader with a focus on digitalization & security + supporter of modern working in the new normal. His forward-looking mindset still considering proven practices is one of...
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