(Adaptive) Authentication without Passwords
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Thinking Outside-In: Providing Easy Access for your Customers and Employees

Combined Session
Thursday, May 17, 2018 12:00—13:00
Location: CHIEMSEE

Most businesses today still think Inside-Out when it comes to authentication and to enabling access. While this might work for employees, it is not ideal for dealing with customers and consumers.

Today, people expect smooth and convenient access. They don’t want to be pushed into lengthy registration processes. They don’t want to remember usernames & passwords anymore. They don’t want to use cumbersome methods for strong authentication. They just want to use their own devices.

Thinking Outside-In means designing methods that are both convenient to users and achieve the right level of authentication assurance. In this session, John Tolbert will describe how to implement an Outside-In approach and cover key considerations from the upcoming KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Adaptive Authentication.

Markku Rossi
Markku Rossi
Markku Rossi has close to 25 years of software engineering and architecture experience. At SSH.COM he is responsible for R&D and directs the company’s technology strategy. Markku has...
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