Finding your Best Approach to GDPR Compliant CIAM
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Finding your Best Approach to GDPR Compliant CIAM

Combined Session
Thursday, May 17, 2018 14:30—15:30
Location: AMMERSEE I

GDPR, Blockchain & The Right to be Forgotten

A World without Identity and Access Management systems is unimaginable in our time. Just as in corporate environments, customer environments are highly depended on identity providers like Google or Facebook. But topics like access management are especially important in corporate environments. The main concept though is still trust. People have to trust that a main server for an IAM system is highly available, they have to trust their IT admins to not mess around with their data, and they have to trust the central database to be secured and not be accessed by anyone who is not entitled to do so.

In this day and age, we try to use a new technology to help us with all problems centered around trust: THE BLOCKCHAIN!

But is the blockchain the answer to IAM problems?

Does it help us to comply with GDPR and other privacy standards or does it make those topics even more complicated?

And how exactly could the blockchain, an invention for financial transactions even handle Identity and Access Management?

All those and more questions will be discussed in our presentation. We will show revolutionary ways to use the blockchain for IAM and even tell the story of a developer team from the future that uses a blockchain based IAM to on and off board developers to guarantee security within the team and the project!

Key Takeaways:

GDPR, Blockchain & The Right to be Forgotten
Presentation deck
GDPR, Blockchain & The Right to be Forgotten
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Martin Kuppinger
Martin Kuppinger
Martin Kuppinger is Founder and Principal Analyst at KuppingerCole, a leading analyst company for identity focused information security, both in classical and in cloud environments. Prior to...

Panel: How to Interact with your Customer without Comprising Privacy

Building an identity and access management strategy is a key factor to comply with the GDPR, to manage customer identities and to help improve the business’s view of its customer and its relationship with them.

There are some more challenges for companies which will be adopting and implementing GDPR privacy guidelines:

Key Takeaways:

Lewis Barr
Lewis Barr
Lewis Barr, Janrain General Counsel and VP, Privacy, manages Janrain’s legal compliance and privacy functions as the company continues its international expansion. He brings more than 15...
Rooly Eliezerov
Rooly Eliezerov
Rooly Eliezerov is Co-founder & President at Gigya. Gigya provides a Customer Identity Management platform that helps companies turn unknown site visitors into known, loyal and engaged...
Dr. Ina Nikolova
Dr. Ina Nikolova
Ina Nikolova leads all PATECCO marketing initiatives. She is experienced in using marketing technology platforms and tools for small and medium sized enterprises. She is the author of PATECCO's IAM...
Wouter de Wit
Wouter de Wit
Wouter de Wit is Senior Solution Architect at iWelcome. He is responsible for consultancy and thought leadership within iWelcome, where he operates at the intersection of business and IT. He has a...
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