CIAM - The Base Layer for Marketing Automation
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CRM, Marketing Automation, User Experience, and Understanding Consumer Identity

Combined Session
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 14:00—15:00
Location: 409

Consumer identity cannot live in a vacuum. It must be apply to sales, marketing, customer service, and as many other aspects of the business as possible. This presentation will cover how the pieces fit together and how you can leverage the data you gather into building effective interactions with your leads and clients.

CRM, Marketing Automation, User Experience, and Understanding Consumer Identity
Presentation deck
CRM, Marketing Automation, User Experience, and Understanding Consumer Identity
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Lars Helgeson
Lars Helgeson
Lars Helgeson has been in the Internet marketing space since 2000, when he co-founded one of the world's first email service providers, CoolerEmail. As a pioneer in responsible email marketing, he...
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