The disruptive potential of Blockchains to reshape old business practices
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The disruptive potential of Blockchains to reshape old business practices

Wednesday, March 09, 2016 13:30—14:15

There is a growing sentiment in various industries that the Blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin, will change some key dynamics in the way a lot of business are done today. With the financial sector leading the way, more and more businesses are exploring the obvious advantages offered by such an innovation: resistance, transparency and unicity, all without the need of a centralized authority. But new actors are banking on the disruptive potential of Blockchains to totally reshape old business practices.

Adrien Lafuma
Adrien Lafuma
BNP Security
Adrien Lafuma is part of the first wave of french bitcoin startup creators since 2012, building financial applications such as a binary options broker and a crypto currencies exchange. Adrien...
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