Market Description

A more detailed description and definition of the market.

Adoption of MDR solutions has increased as organizations have increasingly come to understand that no level of technology investment will provide 100% protection against threats, and as the volume and complexity of the security challenges have become too great for internal security teams to manage. Evidence of the increased demand for MDR solutions can be seen in the rapid growth in the market, with most vendors reporting significant growth in sales, particularly following the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Adoption of modern MDR solutions is being driven by:

    The drivers listed above are the main reasons many organizations have already adopted MDR, and why the majority of those who have not committed to MDR are planning to evaluate it as an option. The adoption of MDR is typically in response to a security breach, regulatory requirements, mergers and acquisitions, and increased demand by the board for improved cyber security status reporting.

    Market Direction

    The analyst’s view on the trends and developments in the market.

    This market segment continues to grow and evolve toward a model where MDR solution providers are taking on more areas of responsibility, including risk assessment in partnership with customer cybersecurity teams, threat detection, threat triage, threat containment, and even threat recovery and remediation in partnership with customer cybersecurity and IT teams. MDR solution providers are also increasingly managing EDR and providing SOAR-as-a-Service to reduce the burden of managing these complex systems.