Ilya Gubarev
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Ilya Gubarev

Chief Digital Software Architect
Siemens AG

Ilya Gubarev is Chief Digital Software Architect of Siemens Large Drives Applications *.

Additionally he is heading Architecture and Release Train department as part of software organization responsible for embedded, edge and cloud development and part of strategic group inside of Medium Voltage Drives segment.

Before that Ilya worked for MindSphere Platform now called Xcelerator Industrial IoT.

In his 20+ years of experience in software design and development Ilya covered a number of industrial domains working in product, platform and solution development projects.

Ilya is currently an active member of Siemens wide software architecture communities for API design and IAM.


* Siemens will establish an independent, integrated motors and large drives company.  Under the name Innomotics we are forming a company with a strong own brand. Innomotics stands for our many years of experience and competence, our innovative portfolio, sustainable and energy-efficient drive solutions and our customer orientation.

Ilya Gubarev
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May 11, 2023
11:40 - 12:00
Spicing up Authorization - A Zanzibar inspired approach
Combined Session
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