Anders Eknert
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Anders Eknert

Developer Advocate

Anders Eknert has a long background in software development and security. Previously in his career, Anders focused primarily on identity systems. He has spent more recent years in the emerging domain of policy-as-code where his interests include the organizational and people aspects of the space as well as the technical challenges. As a member of the team that builds the Open Policy Agent (OPA), Anders has a ringside view into the fast growing space of security defined as policy - policy that exists not just in PDF documents and Google Docs - but policy that is testable, version controlled and reviewed like any other code

As a developer advocate, Anders spends much of his time thinking about the developer experience in all interactions with software systems, a topic he feels has largely been ignored in the security space.

Anders Eknert
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May 10, 2023
17:50 - 18:30
Modern Authorization Panel - Going Beyond RBAC
Combined Session
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