Manfred Rieck
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Manfred Rieck

VP Individual Solution Development
Deutsche Bahn AG

In 2019, Manfred Rieck set the course for Deutsche Bahn on quantum by founding a research group for quantum technologies. The group concentrates on the industrial usage of quantum computers for optimization problems and on the security aspects of quantum cryptography (PQC, QKD). He sees the quantum computing ecosystem as the key to success, which is why he is expanding the activities of Deutsche Bahn in the area, so Deutsche Bahn is a consortium partner in several projects of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate, e. g. PlanQK and EniQmA. Mr. Rieck is the founder of the Federal Quantum Alliance, a member of the Governance Board of the European Quantum Industry Consortium QuIC, in the Board of Directors of Bitkom working group HPC & QC and in the Research Committee for Quantum of Münchner Kreis.

Manfred Rieck
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