Women in Identity
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Women in Identity

Published on Apr 29, 2022

Women in Identity (WID) is a global organization with a vision to develop identity solutions for everyone by everyone. It was founded in 2018 by a handful of women and has grown to more than 2000 members in 32 countries. We believe that diverse teams create better solutions, and each of us works with the identity industry to achieve this.

Thanks to the KuppingerCole team who has supported WID from the beginning, we are able to host a WID Get-Together at EIC 2022 on May 12 from 16:30-17:30 followed by a track. The local WID DACH team has been working hard to put together an interesting program for everyone which shows the diversity of our work. Angelika, Silvia, and Irene will (re-)present the results.

Angelika joined WID in 2018 and is WID ambassador for DACH. She has worked in security and identity all her professional life and is still passionate about it.

Based on various studies and research, as well as her own experiences, she will talk about the challenges women face in the security and identity industry. When she started in the IT industry in the Mid-1980s, there were not many women. It was the early days of the commercial security industry, and the situation there was no better. One might have expected the situation to improve over the last 30 years. But it doesn't look that way. Currently, about 20% - 25% of IT workers are women, a steady decline since the late 1980s. What are the main reasons for this? Are there differences between countries and regions that we can learn from to address these reasons? And/or are there differences in education, work environment, recognition, and perception of women in society that attract more - or less - women to the IT and security industry? That's what we want to talk about in this session.

Silvia is a WID member since 2018 and started her career as an Identity engineer. Her topic will be the misbehavior of your digital twin and what you can do if your digital twin misbehaves.

Originating from a virtual model reflecting a physical object, the term “digital twin” also has its application in the cyber security industry. Social media giants and the advertisement industry have a huge interest in modeling your behavior, feelings, and thoughts to tailor advertising to you.

This does not only pose a serious data security threat, but this data mass in the wrong hands can also be very critical. Casting an eye on threats from digital twins, we will look at challenges and opportunities from a cyber security perspective. Which other company assets can be modeled as digital twins and how can enterprises capitalize on this information? How can a digital twin contribute to the future of offensive and defensive security? These questions will be addressed in this presentation.

Irene recently joined the WID DACH team. She is part of the Berlin pioneer start-up Jolocom, which she joined in late 2019. At Jolocom the focus is on building Self-sovereign Identity (SSI) solutions for end-users and organizations alike. Her background is in law, linguistics, and economics.

During her session, Irene will give an overview of the state of play of SSI. Where is it at currently? Where is it not (yet)? While both governments and regulators have started to support the idea of handling digital identities in a decentralized manner and are funding a series of pilot projects worldwide, this implementation and deployment phase we are in also shows us what is still to be done and where the next challenges are arising - in governance models, standards development, and interoperability, as well as stakeholder communication. So, quo vadis SSI? Join this session to find out and learn about the most recent developments and challenges of implementing SSI in Europe.

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