Lester Chng
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Lester Chng

Senior Advisor, Financial Crimes Unit Exercises
Bank of Montreal

Lester Chng is a cybersecurity practitioner and his work focuses on running cybersecurity and crisis exercises. He currently runs an exercise program for a large North American Financial Institution covering scenarios across cybersecurity, fraud, physical security, and crisis management.

Lester is a former Naval Surface Warfare Officer from Singapore and ran the Naval Wargaming & Simulation Centre. He leverages his experience in military wargaming and exercises to execute exercise programs in his current role as a Senior Advisor. Lester holds CISSP and PMP certifications and is an active contributor to the cybersecurity communities on LinkedIn.

Lester Chng
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November 10, 2022
12:00 - 12:20
Exercising your cyber crisis plans
Combined Session
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