Johannes Steger
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Johannes Steger

Managing Editor - Cybersecurity
Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity

Johannes Steger is the managing editor of Tagesspiegel Backgrounds Cybersecurity, a daily briefing for decision makers focused on digital security from a political, economic and societal perspective. Johannes started is journalistic career as an editor for German and Israeli startup ecosystem and technology at Germany's leading financial and business daily Handelsblatt. Before moving back into journalism with his position at Tagesspiegel, he was a consultant at the strategic communications consultancy Hering Schuppener (now: FGS Global) and communications manager at a technology consultancy in Berlin.  Johannes is a graduate of the Georg von Holtzbrinck School for Business Journalists.

Johannes Steger
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November 10, 2022
15:20 - 16:00
Panel - Overcoming vulnerabilities around Human Factors
Combined Session
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